Cream colored teddy bear sitting on a medical exam table with sterile bandages and other medical supplies, with a bandaid on its chest and wearing a paper mask.

Why do kids get so many shots?

I’m an ardent believer in the relative safety and efficacy of vaccines, but that doesn’t mean I enjoy having to take my kid to the doctor for shots. I’m relieved that my child is now in school and the bulk of vaccinations are behind us. When he was an infant, we carefully timed his feedings … Continue reading Why do kids get so many shots?

Graph paper background with two dark axes showing blue, red, yellow, and green trend lines in no particular direction.

Ask SciMoms: Are there more cases of autism?

We were recently asked if there are more autistic children today than in the past. This is a common question, as the claimed increase in the prevalence of autism is used to scare us about many products in our environment, ranging from WiFi to pesticides. In this post, we will examine whether the increase in … Continue reading Ask SciMoms: Are there more cases of autism?

Dirty metal door with pink paint splatters and a sign that reads "Danger: Inorganic arsenic cancer hazard authorized personnel only no smoking or eating respirator required".

Risk In Perspective: Hazards Are Not All Created Equal

This series is a collaboration between neuroscientist Alison Bernstein and biologist Iida Ruishalme. Errors in risk perception are at the core of so many issues in science communication that we think this is a critical topic to explore in detail. This series is cross-posted on SciMoms and Thoughtscapism. Alison and Iida would like to thank … Continue reading Risk In Perspective: Hazards Are Not All Created Equal

Red outlined diamonds showing different types of hazards, such as fire, poison, and corrosion.

Risk In Perspective

This series is a collaboration between neuroscientist Alison Bernstein and biologist Iida Ruishalme. Errors in risk perception are at the core of so many issues in science communication that we think this is a critical topic to explore in detail. This series is cross-posted on SciMoms and Thoughtscapism. Subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook … Continue reading Risk In Perspective